Four Corners and a Center

This Adventure Lab series will take you north, south, east, west...and in between, as you see where the original boundaries of the District of Columbia were marked in the early years of the United States. It is possible to complete in one day, but you may find it more comfortable to break it up into parts to do at your own rhythm. Take advantage of the trip to find the other geocaches near all five stages! PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL OF PRIVATE PROPERTY! From Wikipedia: "The boundary markers of the original District of Columbia are the 40 milestones that marked the four lines forming the boundaries between the states of Maryland and Virginia and the square of 100 square miles (259 km^2) of federal territory that became the District of Columbia in 1801. Working under the supervision of three commissioners that President George Washington had appointed in 1790 in accordance with the federal Residence Act, a surveying team led by Major Andrew Ellicott placed these markers in 1791 and 1792. Among Ellicott's assistants were his brothers Joseph and Benjamin Ellicott, Isaac Roberdeau, George Fenwick, Isaac Briggs and an African American astronomer, Benjamin Banneker. Today, 36 of the original marker stones survive as the oldest federally placed monuments in the United States. Thirteen of these markers are now within Virginia due to the return of the portion of the District south and west of the Potomac River to Virginia in 1846." Visit for more information on the history of the DC boundary stones.

Created by SamGamgee2001

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