Imperial Fora of Rome

The Imperial Fora (Fori Imperiali in Italian) are a series of monumental fora (public squares), constructed in Rome over a period of one and a half centuries, between 46 BC and 113 AD. These fora were the centers of politics, religion and economy in the ancient Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. The Imperial Fora consist of 5 distinct fora listed in chronological order as: The Forum of Caesar (46 BC), The Forum of Augustus (2 BC), The Forum of Peace (75 AD), The Forum of Nerva (97 AD), and the Forum of Trajan (112 AD). The Imperial Fora, while not part of the Roman Forum, are located relatively close to each other. This adventure will take you on an overview tour of the 5 Imperial Fora. There are no entry fees, and it is available at all hours. There is a BONUS CACHE (GC92BBE) associated with this Adventure. All you have to do is enter the bonus codes from each stage into the certitude checker without spaces. The distance covered is less than 1 KM, so lace up your shoes and lets get started!

Created by Sagmoe

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