Public Ahts of East Cantabrigia

Welcome to East Cantabrigia, aka East Cambridge, Massachusetts! Let's take a mini-tour around the ever-changing East Cambridge neighborhood, and visit a few of it's many Public Ahts along the way! All five (5) stages of this Adventure Lab, and the associated GC9FTNK Public Ahts of East Cantabrigia - Bonus Cache ( are accessible, available 24/7, and are free to visit. Each of the five (5) locations, once answered correctly, will give you information to find the GC9FTNK Public Ahts of East Cantabrigia - Bonus Cache ( There is quite a bit of on-street metered pahking all around East Cambridge, and Resident Pahking is free on Sundays as well. The posted coords may (or may not?) be a candidate pahking location. All five (5) stages can be visited in any order, yet the Bonus Cache would be hidden somewhere long this mini-tour. Approximately 1.3 mile / 2 kilometers round trip on foot, excluding the distance to the Bonus Cache. :P Enjoy!!! :)

Created by Dr.MORO

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