Before geocachers were hiding Tupperware, spies were hiding secrets in a similar manner. Only their GZ’s were usually called dead drops. Commonly they were more like mulitcaches where S1 was a place where the location of the dead drop was communicated and then S2 was the dead drop. All of the stops along the way will be one or the other.
The DC area is obviously rife with these kinds of places, but they don’t make a good powertrail. This adventure includes ones that are somewhat close together. You can do the lab caches in any order, but if you would like to do the bonus cache, it would be best if you ended up around the northwest sites. I suppose you could use a bike, but most folks would most likely drive from point to point; depending upon traffic that will take a little over an hour.
Collect the code words and use them to find the bonus cache: GC99D4K.
Created by Nothereeither
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