This Adventure Lab starts at Shenck’s Island Park and will take you on a relatively short walk along River Road, through parts of Wilton Center and back to the park. To answer the five questions along the way, you will need to read each clue and then note what’s around you. The title of each stage will also help. The connection between the title, the clue and your surroundings should help you identify the person(s) in question. They are all Americans and a quick Google search should be easy if you are stuck….Give It Your Best Shot! Parking at Shenck’s Island is recommended at the following coordinates: N41 11.435 W073 25.759 (Drive across the bridge and stay to the right). BONUS: Once completed, you will get the coordinates for a bonus cache (GC9XAV6) in Shenck’s Island Park. Good luck and let’s find out who are they!
Created by The Ax
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